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Гарбер Джозеф

Страница автора на языке: Русский
Средняя оценка книг: Оценка   9 (5)
Пол: мужской
Дата рождения: 14 августа 1943
Дата смерти: 27 мая 2005 (61 год)
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Joseph R. Garber (August 14, 1943 – May 27, 2005) was an American author, best known for his 1995 thriller Vertical Run and for the articles he wrote on technology for Forbes magazine.

Garber was born in PhiladelphiaPennsylvania, moving often as an army brat. He attended the University of Virginia, but quit to join the U.S. Army himself, eventually graduating from East Tennessee State University in 1968 with a philosophy degree. 

Garber worked for AT&T as a business long-distance consultant and a writer for the AT&T in-house magazine. He then worked as a consultant for Booz Allen Hamilton for a decade, writing fiction and non-fiction freelance in his spare time. After a prolonged flu, he quit his job and moved to Woodside, California, where he wrote for Forbes magazineand as a consultant in Redwood City, California until he was laid off.

Garber had written a manuscript, In Search of Shabbiness, as a response to the Tom Peters best-seller, In Search of Excellence. On the advice of literary agents, he rewrote it as the novel Rascal Money.

In 1995, his second novel Vertical Run, a corporate thriller, became an international best-seller. The book's setting is 200 Park Avenue, the address of Booz Allen. It was bought by a Hollywood studio in the 1990s only to be shelved in pre-production. His third novel, In a Perfect State, was published in 1999. His fourth novel, Whirlwind, with a retired CIAagent as protagonist, was published in 2004.

Garber died of a heart attack on May 27, 2005.
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