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Theory and Practice of Seamanship XI
Автор: Danton Graham (EN)
Quick Fix Healthy Mix
Автор: Kellar Casey (EN)
Author:Kuttner Henry (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    People called them BALDIES! ...a race of mutants, hairless with egg-like skulls and lashless eyes... ...a race hated by normal human beings, who hunted them with animal ferocity and killed them with religious fervour... ...a race that was even split amongst itself with some that wanted to establish rule by mutants... ...a race that had an extraordinary talent, the powers of telepathy ! So the baldies disguised themselves with wigs and waited for the day when there would be enough of them to stop their persecution by normal men !

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