Литмир - Электронная Библиотека
ЛитМир: бестселлеры месяца

  Yes, I'm a killer - only a very kind one,

  And for me the poor man is like a brother!

  So let's sing while the loop is free,

  Share with the poor and live in fun!

  Soul corsair wants to become noble,

  It's not to your liking when you're a game in a cage!

  The slave boy finished singing and stamped his bare, chiselled baby feet, which, though hardened, were more agile than the legs of monkeys.

  And the frigate finally lagged behind. And his sails disappeared over the horizon.

  The girl captain chuckled and remarked with her carnivorous smile:

  - Well, what - this is not an escape, but a strategic maneuver! So what can be girls, something to say to this?

  The girl with green hair shook her luxurious hips and answered:

  "Maybe we should have missed this. So many men in one place. We would take them and have fun. And it would give us pleasure!

  The Girl Captain sang:

  Men are stinky creatures

  From them, therefore, vile carries ...

  When they would have been given the horns,

  That would be an honor for the girls!

  Jim Hawkins tweeted:

  - I'm a man too!

  The bosun girl with red hair replied:

  - No! You are a boy and you will always be a boy! So don't apply!

  The girl-captain began to dance, spanking her bare, tanned, strong and very muscular legs. And other girls began to dance, and it was something wild, like cannibal races.

  Jim Hawkins also began to jump and spin. The chain of the slave boy is long and does not interfere with the dance at all.

  Well, also, of course, the girls sing at the top of their lungs:

  We are girls, we are robber girls

  Bang Bang! Bang Bang! And you are dead! Dead!

  And the girls keep the men under their bare heels,

  Don't come near us! Don't come near us, or we'll kill you!

  Jim Hawkins noted:

  - Yes, with such a crew, you definitely won"t get bored!

  One of the girls of the pirates jumped up to the boy and firmly grabbed him with her bare fingers of her strong, tanned and very appetizing legs by the nose, and powerfully handed over.

  Jim screams:

  - Oh! Aunt it hurts a lot!

  The girl laughed and replied:

  - Be patient, boy, you will be an ataman!

  The slave boy yelled:

  - I'll take your place!

  The girl captain replied with a smile:

  - Not a place paints a man, but a man a place!

ЛитМир: бестселлеры месяца