Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

GUFSIN RF (2018)

They didn't hire me to work as an accountant, I had to work officially in the Federal Service. This is not an office, but an event more serious and severe, I remember those acid rains of the zone, such an ugly view from the window of the office where I worked. I had to overcome several insurances in myself, going through the consideration of transactions and trying to carry out educational work with them.

Wallet PAYEER, financial company (2019)

Then I went to work for the international financial company PAYEER wallet. As usual, you won't earn much on tokens. For tokens, I sold and materialized the tokens themselves for children's products, delicate cosmetics and office supplies. Then I continue with NASA research on the afterlife. I assumed a complicated NASA math formula, archives and documents, The NASA study came about through a meeting in Colorado. Learned the financial indicators of a scientific organization, the statistics of their growth, the gross index, the difference in income due to growth. Planning another one-way ticket to the US. I had to order a visa to China in order to go to the USA. Part-time job planner in Urumqi to travel to the USA. By chance meeting with a Chinese resident who worked as a taxi driver, he took me to a psychiatric, closed motel, from which there was no way to get out. I was locked up and by chance, in a lucky way, the door was opened and I got out, ran away, after such stress, I left Urumqi and returned to Altai, back to my homeland.

Astana, National Space Station (2019)

Moreover, I fought to the last. I'm tempted to get to Astana to study the fields, solar energy, space exploration radius on nature and ecology. Village livestock disappeared in 2019 under electric shocks and were killed. Then I returned to work in the village with my friend Galina, back to the Ust-Charysh pier after Astana. I worked part-time in the Altai company of orchards and wheat, in the Altai fields. I drank village compote as a reward for my work, but I received the money, Suddenly. the police came and took me away for questioning. They took a profile picture of me and sent me home to my ancestors, soon my ancestors came for me in a jeep and saw my village life.

Russian Guard of the Russian Federation (2019-2020)

Returned home flower so rich! Good quality white shoes instead of rustic shoes. Loose, silky clothes. I went for an interview a accountant, an assistant to the chief accountant in the National Guard. It was something new, unknown! I was taken, so immediately without hesitation. It was so strange! But then I didn't know yet that political institutions are agitation…

After working as an accountant, I became an operational duty emergency service for variations of line symbols, thefts, suspicious entrances, and so on. After I mastered the whole process of work, I returned to the NASA study on the afterlife. I made a scientific discovery of the distant future in NASA's 2050 archival plans. Made a secret conclusion about the afterlife and to this day presents it in secret even in this book and in everything. Because mortals should not be obtained by our knowledge just like that through ready-made works.


PPCA LTD, showbiz in Australia Music Awards, Destination Gold Coast (2020)

I deliberately left the political sphere and moved to the project and television company PPCA LTD, proving that I can do anything! This was my freedom! Freedom from many restrictions by 2020! I spoke at webinars, which was proof of my business abroad! I signed an agreement with Lil Small, director of PPCA LTD and Music Awards, and I showed the entire National Guard for the sake of getting freedom! I released soundtracks in a legal way, becoming a licensor and music producer on the radio broadcast Tank FM, Australia, Tank FM is the official radio outlet in Australia. Tank FM from Australian country style. And me friend from Hollywood advised me in everything. And I also know the director Shannon River from the same Hollywood.

DOMINO, a chain of stores for design and interior (2020)

Returning once again to the realities of life, I found a part-time job in a chain store of design and goods. Then I bought tickets to an island in Africa as a romantic, deluxe dinner with an African Native.

Sirius FM, South Africa, Syrian-Islamic radio stations (2021)

After spasms, attacks and phobias about a blackout in a resort in Africa, which affected my psyche, I adopted the religion of Islam as the classiest and most mysterious religion to relax the soul. I got to know the secret, masculine Islamic world of the sheikhs and the banned dredge business on Radio Syria with an Islamic radio station in South Africa, transporting the banned business to Pakistan. I spoke on the radio of Islam with my statements, opinions through my music on a legal basis, Further and longer I relaxed with Islamic sheikhs on audio broadcast, and it was like that on an ongoing basis until that very moment…

PC BM White Bear, production (2021)

After my proud behavior, I gave myself a career descent, I switched to the profession of an ordinary packer in a dusty, dirty production among former business partners and Uzbeks, Kazakhs. I still have terrible dreams about this production. On Facebook, closer to summer, I bought myself a long, snow-white hijab and borrowed it from the official Russian streets, took selfies. After a famous conversation with a US official on Twitter, I was accidentally blocked by 2021, but then I didn't know that it was because of me that the network was blocked… I was still in a misunderstanding… so I switched to Facebook, then the page was still active. I communicated and took part in communication webinars in the Syrian Military Department. There we discussed money, a lot of money, and where such tangible amounts came from, and most importantly, how dollars were discussed. Later, the trick of the Syrian shelling was revealed, training in the Syrian Military Department, what happens behind these infected "pyramid networks" is the sheikh's wife in power? And that the main wife of the main military department from the sheikh is responsible for general surveillance. And that I am not a beauty and not a favorite there, and it's better not to even come to Syria. I have come to an important conclusion. I was in such a rage, in an affair. I became so envious! I was so jealous and aggressive! I spent the burning of the book of the Quran and forgot what Islam, religion and politics are. That's not mine! Islam was my last, deep religion.


Central City Network Gastronomy (2022)

A guy who once worked at Sberbank in Novosibirsk helped me get out of the hell of dusty production. He fired me of his own free will. After some time, I was able to sharply restore the balance in my carver by the fact that I immediately went to work for the Central Branded City Network of the Central District of the City. I became a prestigious, top cashier, working at a central point with a huge flow of people.

Buy me a coffee, Barack Obama Press (2022)

While researching Ghanaian local networks, I leamed the secret of medical innovations from COVID and about the death of a Kenyan grandmother of Barack Obama HealthCare. From the nostalgia for the happy 2000s, I drew huge streams of inspiration and healed my soul with the fact that after all the blocking of social networks, I had a new opportunity for PR – the press, the media, Buy me a coffee and Medium. He was the developer of this platform from zero. Later, attractive advertisements began to come from him and I really fell in love with him, as in my youth. I plunged into this space of the past so much that I forgot my present. Earnings were similarly based on tokens. There were even letters from him. After that, I published me biography for the first time on Wikipedia, which became my mainstay.
