Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Yavi was wincing as he shook his head with a shudder, then he nudged me again. “What did you think?”

“I think I like it.” I licked my lips. “It doesn’t taste like dirt. It tastes kind of like grass. Like… fresh.”

“You’ve got good taste, Beryl.” Ron gave me a friendly pat on the back, then reached for the bottle again. “Another?”

“Oh, no, I think one’s enough for me.” I chuckled and glanced toward the windows, trying to find Greid waiting for me.

Gavin laughed as he passed me, making his way back to the tray of dirty glasses. “You’re a good sport, Beryl.”

“She is,” Mani agreed, and I couldn’t help but grin as I watched Ron pour another round for the three of them. After downing her second shot, Mani nodded toward the front of the bar. “You can take off, Beryl. Your guy’s waiting for you.”

I immediately twisted my head back around, scanning the dark street outside until I saw Greid standing a little ways from the door, dressed in jeans and a long coat. His hair was tied back in a messy bun, and he was looking down at his phone, its artificial glow picking out the sharp planes of his handsome face.

My gut bottomed out. My mood immediately lifted. I remembered the surprise I had for him, and another grin spread over my face as I stared at him.

“Oh shit, Beryl does have good taste,” I heard Yavi say. “You’re with him? Damn.”

“I know, right?” Mani grinned at me. “But she still hasn’t brought him in for us to meet him.”

My cheeks grew warm as I laughed. “He’s just kind of shy. But yeah, he’s… he’s the best. And so hot,” I added, unable to stop myself, a hint of pride making my chest inflate.

“You should both come for dinner one night,” Ron said with enthusiasm. “I can make my mom’s porin. Although, all demiurgus moms have their own way of making it, so we tend to have big feels over eating someone else’s version.”

“Ron, don’t put Beryl on the spot like that.” Mani gave his huge shoulder a gentle push. “She just told us her man is shy. The offer’s there if you ever do want to,” she added to me with a smile. “But no pressure.”

My cheeks flushed with pleasure. “That sounds nice. Thank you. I’ll ask him.”

“Go on, pipsqueak, get going.” Ron shooed me away.

“Thanks for all your hard work this week, Beryl,” Mani added. “We couldn’t have done it without you. I haven’t scheduled you in for any weekend shifts, so you get some time off after tomorrow.”

“Oh, wow. Thanks.” I hovered for a few seconds. “Okay, well, see you tomorrow.”

“See you, Beryl.”

I was in a much better mood as I made my way to the back office, even managing to give Gavin a smile and a wave as I passed him. He waved cheerfully back, still blissfully unaware of how much his flippant words had affected me all evening. I supposed some people were just like that.

After reaching the quiet of the back office, I untied my apron and carefully transferred the signed napkin and my phone to my coat pocket before slipping it on. When I stepped outside onto the chilly dark street, Greid’s head popped up from his phone. His eyes brightened, mouth curving into a big smile that showed me all his sharp teeth.

“Hey.” He raised his arm to show me the plastic bag looped over his wrist. “I did a snack run on the way here in case you’re hungry after your shift.”

Pure, unbridled happiness filled my chest. Filled every part of me. When I reached him, I rose on my tiptoes and cupped his face as he bent down to kiss me. His sweet, smoky scent filled my nose, and the feel of his arm slipping under my coat to wrap around my waist and pull me closer made me shiver.

I couldn’t stop myself from kissing him a second time before pulling back, all the worries and insecurities that had plagued me all evening melting away. I didn’t care what anyone thought. I wanted Greid.

And when he pulled open the side of his coat so I could slip underneath and snuggle into him as we started walking home, everyone else and all their opinions became completely, utterly meaningless.


Chapter Thirty-Seven

Berries and Greed - img_40


“I have a surprise for you,” I told Greid as soon as we got home.

He glanced up at me as he tugged off his boots, hopping in place. “You do?”

Nodding with a wide grin, I pulled my phone out of my coat pocket and brought up my photos. There were hardly any in my camera roll—mostly just the silly selfies Greid sent me while he was working or still in bed waiting for me to get back from Deep Brew with his morning coffee, seeing as I saved all of them. I made a mental note to try and take more pictures, but for now, I pulled up one of the photos Parin had snapped of both of us.

Greid took the phone from me when I handed it over, peering down at the screen. His head cocked. “Who’s—Wait.” Wide yellow eyes darted up to mine then back down. “Holy fuck, is that Parin var Gelligar?”

I chuckled, shedding my coat after taking the napkin out of my pocket. “Yeah. She was in the bar having a drink. She’s in town to promote the new season.”

“Oh my god.” Greid was clutching the phone. “You met Parin var Gelligar. You met Jurik Aktonar,” he added, referring to her character on the show. “What was she like? Was she amazing? Did she do the thing like on the show? You know, the disapproving eyebrow raise when the Smiths say something stupid about demiurgus?”

I laughed as I pulled off my boots. “Yeah, she did. Well, kinda. When she clocked that I recognised her.”

“Oh my god. I can’t believe you met her. Man, she’s still so hot even though she’s older than my mom.” Greid reluctantly handed my phone over when I straightened up. “You have to send me that photo.”

“Sure.” I took the phone and held out the napkin. “And there’s this.”

I stepped closer after he took it and wrapped my arms around his waist. Parin had told me to read it with him, so I eagerly waited while he carefully unfolded the napkin and revealed the words.

To Greid and Beryl,

Enjoy the new season together!

Don’t let any obstacles stand in the way of your love.

Her name was signed with a flourish underneath. I could feel my cheeks growing hot as I read the words, fixating on one word in particular. Nervous energy filled me, making me grow flustered and loosen my hold around Greid’s waist.

What if he thought I’d told Parin I was in love with him?

Was I in love with him?

I had no experience with falling in love. None whatsoever. Were you supposed to wait a while? Would Greid get freaked out by the thought of it? We’d only known each other a little over a month. He clearly wasn’t a commitment-phobe or relationship-averse, but he’d also been hurt by his last long-term relationship.

What did falling in love even feel like? How did people recognise it? I knew that when I thought of Greid, I felt warm and safe and happy. I knew that thinking about anyone hurting him or upsetting him made me almost murderously angry. I knew I wanted to take care of him and give him anything he wanted. I knew that my favourite times of the day were when I was with him, when we were just hanging out while I cooked breakfast, or lounging on the couch together watching TV, or walking home after I finished a shift at the bar.

I didn’t know if that was being in love, or just… being really into him. I tried to consider possibilities in the future, like eventually deciding to move out and find my own place, to see how it sat with me.

My stomach squeezed into a tight, unpleasant knot at the mere idea of it—of no longer living with Greid. No longer getting to snuggle up next to him on the couch under a mound of blankets every night. No longer getting to hear his snorty little laugh while we were watching TV. No longer getting to see him shuffling out of his room in the mornings with bedhead and a sleepy, disgruntled look on his face.
